Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Water Management, Part 2

A month or two ago we did a post about our water situation - water cuts and our attempts at storage. The situation is now a bit worse. We now lose our water every morning around 6 or 6:30 a.m. Most days it doesn't come back on until 6 p.m. This means that all the water we use for the day - laundry, cleaning, flushing toilets, bathing, and washing dishes - has to be stored somehow. Between our barrel, basins, and buckets, we now have the capacity to store about 110 gallons. This lasts us only for a day, and then we have to refill everything once the water comes on in the evenings. We're much more conscious of our water usage these days, and we try to conserve as much as possible. For instance, the water that we use to mop the floors can water our garden. The water that we use for washing diapers can be saved and then used to flush the toilets.
Here's a picture of our patio as we get started with our chores in the morning.

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