Monday, February 02, 2009


As many of you know, music has always been a big part of our lives. We both love playing the piano, and we were worried that our service w/ MCC would mean several years of fasting from music. We were delighted to find, however, that the university where Alan teaches has a music conservatory located right next door to the seminary. So for the last year or so, we've gone once a week to play one of the pianos in the practice rooms.

With the coming arrival of our baby, however, we realized that our practice times are likely over. So we started investigating the possibility of buying a keyboard to have in our house. It just so happened that one of the piano teachers at the conservatory was selling her keyboard. Selecting a Christmas present was never so easy. It's the first time we've had a piano in the house since we've been married; we're also excited that we'll be able to play the piano for our little baby when he arrives.


Beth said...

Cool! I'm going to buy a piano too...(well a keyboard). What kind/model is yours? how's the key action? I decided to check the blog to see if there was any baby-related news, but am almost just as excited about your new piano. Enjoy!

Love, across-the-hall Beth

marcpvalentin said...

Hi there! I live in Nica, and randomly came across your post. I'm desperately trying to make contacts with people who might be selling a piano/keyboard. Do you have any contacts of anyone in Nicaragua who might be able to point me in the right direction?

Thanks! Marc Valentin