Monday, October 01, 2007

My walk to work

Most days I (Alan) go to the Baptist Theological Seminary here in Managua. From our house I walk 2 blocks to catch a bus, then a 15 minute bus ride, and then a 6-block walk to the Seminary. Here are a few things I typically see on my way to work:
- several women selling fruit salads and fruit drinks
- a teenager who, it seems, sniffs glue
- an abandoned lot with graffitti along the walls
- houses that were severely damaged in an earthquake 35 years ago but which some families still call 'home'
- a Baptist primary/secondary school with a well-kept soccer field
- a woman selling bananas & other fruit (I can buy 12 bananas for about $0.50)
- a public park where the weeds typically cover the bottoms of the playground equipment
I then pass through the green gates of the Seminary, and I'm at work.

The photo above shows the governmental heart of Managua - the tall white building is the National Assembly headquarters. The seminary, while not visible, is about 4 blocks east (to the right, just beyond the scope of the photo). Lake Managua can be seen in the background.


Jeremy said...

Hey guys! That's an amazing photo. Thanks for sharing about the everyday life there, Alan.

brando said...

Hi Alan & Beth!

Just thought that I'd leave a comment- I have been keeping up with your blog, and I always find your posts insightful and amusing. I hope that everything is going well and that you are experiencing Grace as you serve.


pamela said...

that is a great photo! and i see quite a few of those things (except for the glue sniffing) on my way up carretera sur too...anyway, looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...

OhHh, Do I Get to See ThAt WHEn i CoMe and ViSiT (yEs!)...

So, Just HiTtin' All yoUR iNTernet Site To Say That I SenT THe PAckage To KathY, pLEase Tell HEr to KEep On The LoOk ouT!


w (^_^)

Tim and Deb said...

i love seeing that picture and totally knowing where it is!! I believe the abandoned cathedral is just to the right and crown plaza is just out of the photo as well! HAHA!