Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Beans, Beans, Beans

This is one pound of beans. These red beans of Nicaragua can last us for a week. That's 1/2 pound of beans for each of us per week. Usually Nicaraguans buy one pound per week for each person in the house, but we're not quite at this level of bean consumption.

We buy the beans dry, and then we have to sort them to get rid of rocks, bugs, & beans with holes (here Beth sorts the beans). Unsorted beans can make for quite a surprise when you eat them and chomp on a rock!

We then soak the beans for a few hours and then boil them for another hour or more. When they're soft, we put them in the fridge and they're good for a week.

The staple food of Nicaragua is red beans & rice (called gallo pinto), which is normally eaten for breakfast and dinner. It's quite good, and we've enjoyed experimenting with different variations on a theme.


Patrick G. McCullough said...

You can't eat a pound per week. Heck, I eat a pound of beans per day!

No, not really.

Anonymous said...

Beans, beans the musical fruit...
~ Chris Hipsher

Ryan - said...

B&A, Good to read your updates. :) Thanks for writing. I just had my share of beans in Zambia and Zimbabwe. just finished my 6th trip to Africa. Gone for a month, but good to be back. Did I tell you all I am engaged now???? Katie and I are getting married on Aug 11th.

Oh. was at the MCC office for some meetings with Sarah Adams and Bruce Janz-Campbell. It was fun to see your pictures on their prayer wall for MCC people in the world. YAH!

Thanks for serving and thanks for loving the people of Nicaragua. Blessings.


Erin Sigler said...

beans beans...the musical fruit.....

sorry I couldn´t control myself...

tossing a fish at your window,
