Friday, December 31, 2010

Wrapping up: Graduation

On December 4, the Baptist Seminary held graduation ceremonies for the certificate programs in Christian Education and Chaplaincy, the high school degree completion program for pastors, and the BA in Theology. Each year, the BA graduates choose to dedicate their graduation to a person who has been influential in their development. This year, it was Alan. Since he has developed deep relationships with many of them over the last couple years, it was especially meaningful to be able to participate in this celebration of their accomplishments. On a side note, we also had the privilege to share some special music using the brand new grand piano from the conservatory!
Alan with his colleagues/advisors, Dr. Jerjes Ruiz (Director of the Humanities Institute at the Polytechnic University) and Yeni Bolufer (Seminary Dean).
Some of Alan's students proudly displaying their diplomas.
Simon patiently waits and reads his book during the ceremony (this is a little misleading . . . he spent lots of time playing outside with other kids).

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