Sunday, February 21, 2010

Simon's presents

Things Simon received for his 1st birthday:

-A puzzle whose packaging advertises (in English): “Surprised piece, stimulate, like to play, be full of your brain cell all the time and all!”

-A little plastic cement truck with another English promotional slogan: “Safety and Environmental: They are the most popular styles”

-A tank top reading “Soy el consentido de mi popito RIMD WONO Run Run!” ?????

-Another tank top, blue and white with silver glittery stars that says “Fashion”

-This isn’t a birthday gift, but these gifts go nicely with a washcloth we have for Simon that says, “Boo Boo Boy: Hubbaboo always gives. Boo Boo Boy a hard time but they are best friends.”

-At least a dozen bottles of some kind of baby shampoo or cologne (to add to our store of the dozen or so we received before he was born). Are people trying to tell us that he smells bad?

-A ceramic decorative bowl

-A couple things wrapped in gift bags that say: “Delta—fly with a snack”

-A purple iridescent wall hanging of the cross/crown of thorns with a sentimental Christian poem


Emily said...

hahahahhahhaaaa - "FASHION" in silvery letters! favorite!

Ryan - said...

"“Safety and Environmental: They are the most popular styles”"

that's my favorite! :) nothing like rolling a fire truck in the dirt for a good cause. though, i hear forest fires, when natural, are good for the environment. just so you know. glad you all are getting simon to be thinking about his impact on the earth and responsibilities for others at such an early age. well done! :)

Colleen said...

well, at least you can say your son got some things that he NEVER would have gotten in the states :) I'm thinking a nice purple shirt with a pink skirt would make a nice addition to your gifts. It'll be here when you come in April.