Friday, November 20, 2009

Praying for peaceful marches

Tomorrow (Saturday, November 21) there will be 2 marches in Managua--one of Sandinista government supporters and one of opposition leaders. Unfortunately for the economy and the security of the country, almost everything is shutting down due to the fear of violence in these marches, including Alan´s classes on Conflict Transformation (ironic).

To give a very brief background: about one month ago, the Supreme Court changed the Constitution to allow for re-election. The parties not currently in office are very upset about this change, which happened rather suddenly and by means that some have called undemocratic. This is one of the reasons that several citizen groups and opposition parties have been planning a march to protest the lack of transparency of the current administration. The government decided to plan a march for the same day. Nicaragua is a country that still has very fresh wounds from living through a recent revolution and war, so people take very seriously these kinds of threats of violence.

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