Friday, November 09, 2007

An Average Evening

The rainy season departed last weekend, dropping buckets in one last attempt to soak Nicaragua. But it's now given way to (relatively) balmy weather with breezes that are drying things out (including our clothes). One result of the rain that hasn't left, however, is the mosquito. Their numbers have swelled at our house in recent weeks, and neither the lower temps nor the drier air have discouraged them.

The mosquitos are particularly annoying in the evenings. So a typical evening for us involves Beth washing dishes and Alan slapping at the walls with his trusty fly/mosquito swatter.
Even with our mosquito eradication program, we still manage to get quite a few bites. A friend from Pasadena told us that rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a bite helps the itch to go away. She's right. Our only trouble is after so many itchy bites, we just can't bring ourselves to eat another banana.

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