Monday, September 25, 2006

Nicaragua via Kansas

We blew into Kansas on Thursday on a strong, cold wind. We've unloaded our belongings and are now spending good time w/ Beth's family here. In a few weeks it's off to PA for our training.


Patrick G. McCullough said...

I like how the Penske truck blends right in with the beautiful sky. Your photo could be an advertisement for Penske. Either that or Motel 6.

Dulcimer said...

As a fellow Penske driver, I salute you.

When we were driving the Penske truck for General Conference, Katie and Sarah and I actually felt it changed our personality to a certain extent . . . we began feeling bolder, wearing high, padded baseball caps, flannel shirts, and stopping at every exit where signs boasted "free showers."

Well . . . maybe not quite. But it was a fun experience. I hope you're enjoying it, too.

So I guess in 2008, General Conference will have to go without its two best pages ever . . . we'll miss you.

Bless you guys,

Jeremy said...

Glad you had the chance to stop into Detroit with us. We had a blast, and we're praying for an awesome time!