Despedidas . . . good-byes. Four years, countless rich relationships, many different ways to say goodbye.
Saying goodbye to our favorite places:
Swimming for the last time in the Laguna de Apoyo (volcanic crater lake).
Saying goodbye to the MCC team:
A couple of highlights from the last few weeks included the Thanksgiving potluck (above) and an advent service (improvised advent wreath below), both at the MCC office.
Saying goodbye to our church family:
From our culto acción de gracias (a good-bye service).
Simon enjoys this last time with his friends from church.
With our good friend Norma, who has taught us so much about Christian community over the last four years, at her new house.
Saying goodbye to great neighbors:
December was full of special community events. As always, we had the festivities for the Purisima on December 7 (see posts from December 2008 and 2009). For the Dia de Guadalupe (December 12), our neighbors set up tents and tables and provided lunch for around 400 people. As part of the celebration, the kids and parents who have participated in the library had a special farewell tribute and song for us. Later in the day, several neighbors chipped in to buy pizza. We sat around our living room one last time, chatting and sharing memories.
Saying goodbye to colleagues and friends:
While we obviously have had many wonderful times at the end, this stands out as a highlight. Alan´s colleagues and students (above) planned an all-day outing to the beautiful Catarina community overlooking a crater lake. They shared songs, Scripture, memories, good food, and tools that they learned from Alan and are now incorporating into their own work.
The last night . . . we enjoyed receiving last visits and calls from our very closest friends. Here Simon enjoys the last time with his "tias"--Issela and Cecibel.
We feel unbelievably blessed for this time!